Museo de Arqueología Tours

Browse this archeological museum before visiting Trujillo’s mystical pre-Columbian pyramids to find out more about the northern desert’s earliest civilizations.

Trujillo’s Museo de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia is your best introduction to the northern desert region of Peru if you are interested in archeology, anthropology and history. Located in a typical Spanish colonial mansion called Casa Risco, the museum isn’t big, but packs a lot in.

Browse the rooms in chronological order to learn how the coastal valley area of La Libertad already attracted hunter gatherers some 12,000 years ago. These hardy tribes soon forged a life in the desert valley, inventing irrigation systems to grow crops and reed canoes to be able to fish in the ocean. The former nomads became settlers. The former warriors became farmers, fishermen, artists and master builders.

In the museum’s partly covered courtyard, gaze up at the paintings of fierce battles, village life in ancient times and desert vistas.

The museum’s indoor exhibits tell stories of the Cupisnique, Salinar and Gallinazo people, believed to be the first to arrive in this part of the coastal desert. The better-known Moche culture came next, followed by the Chimú and finally the most famous culture of all, the Incas.

All of this happened long before the Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1532. They subsequently enslaved the Incas, transported their best artists to Cusco and stripped their temples of artifacts and gold cladding.

Finally, visit the room dedicated to La Huaca de la Luna, the mysterious Moche temple of the Moon. Admire the colorful murals and remarkable artifacts that were found in this adobe pyramid, before visiting the actual archeological site in the desert with a local tour company or by taxi.

The Museo de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia is managed by the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT). The museum is housed in La Casa Risco, a colorful building in Spanish colonial style, located just a few blocks to the east of the Plaza de Armas in the heart of Trujillo. Taxis can take you here for a small fee if it’s too hot or far to walk from your hotel.

The museum is closed on Sundays and public holidays. There is a small entrance fee and children receive a big discount.

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