Chiesa degli Ottimati Tours

Chiesa degli Ottimati

Easily identifiable from outside by its eye-catching red dome, this small church possesses a fascinating history and a pretty mosaic floor.

Though small, modest and relatively simple, the Chiesa degli Ottimati has quite an interesting past with a history stretching back to the 10th century. Step inside the church to read about its eventful back story and admire the designs on the tiled floor.

The original church building is thought to have been constructed in the 10th century, but was rebuilt in the 11th or 12th century by the Normans. The church was completely destroyed during a Saracen raid during the late 16th century and was damaged once again during a series of earthquakes. Gaze at today’s church, rebuilt in a neo-Byzantine style following a devastating earthquake in 1908.

From the outside the church looks relatively simple. Admire the façade, which features an arched doorway and a rose window. Its most striking exterior feature is its bright red dome, which rises above the tiles of the terracotta roof.

Enter through the front door to explore the nave. Inspect the intricate detail of the mosaic floor, where colorful stones have been used to create attractive patterns. The interior also features marble columns and a vaulted ceiling.

Survey the artworks on display inside the church. Particularly notable is the large-scale 16th-century painting by Florence-born Baroque painter Agostino Ciampelli, depicting the Annunciation of Virgin Mary.

The church is usually peaceful, quiet and uncrowded. Find a seat on one of the pews and take a moment to appreciate the tranquility. Note that this is an active place of worship so remember to dress respectfully and remain quiet in the presence of other worshippers.

While you’re in the neighborhood, consider visiting the Aragonese Castle, which is located adjacent to Chiesa degli Ottimati. The restored remnants of the old stone castle make an atmospheric setting for exhibits and offer wonderful views over the city and the Strait of Messina.

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